Shirataki noodles, also known as konjac noodles, can be a dieter’s dream.
Almost zero calories, they can be used to replace regular noodles in a variety of recipes.
This allows dieters to whittle down their waistlines while tricking their brains into thinking they are filling up with carbs.
If you have never tried shirataki noodles and don’t know what to do with them, or if you tried them once and it didn’t go well, this guide will be helpful.
Follow these tips for the best possible experience with shirataki noodles.
1. Buy them at an Asian market.
Your local Asian market is your best bet at getting high-quality shirataki noodles for a great bargain.
You can often find them there for as low as one dollar per pack. A typical pack has enough noodles for one or two meals.
If you don’t have an Asian market near you, try a health food store.
You may be able to find shirataki noodles for around two dollars per pack at some health food chains.
If you can’t find them anywhere locally, you can always get them online, but it will cost you quite a bit more.
2. Wash them really well.
When people first open up a package of konjac noodles, they are often put off by the smell.
Sometimes they think they accidentally bought an expired pack of noodles.
They have a fishy odor.
That is normal for konjac noodles, and they are not rotten.
Though the smell may not be pleasant at first, it is possible to get past it.
The noodles should not taste fishy as long as you wash them well and use a good sauce.
The best way to wash them is to pour them out of the package into a colander or a strainer and rinse them with cold water for a few minutes.
Stir them around with your hand to ensure that all of the noodles are rinsed well.
It is okay if they still have a faint smell, but the washing should reduce the odor significantly.
Whatever you do, do not just pour an unwashed pack straight into a cooking pot and start preparing your meal.
This is one mistake that leads some people to believe they do not like shirataki noodles.
3. Do not eat too much at once!
Since shirataki noodles are often touted as a volume eater’s holy grail (due to their low calorie content), this piece of advice might be surprising to some people.
However, this is an important tip!
Do not make the mistake of eating a giant bowl of shirataki noodles for dinner.
One package should be all you eat in one meal.
The reason that shirataki noodles are so low in calories is that they are almost completely composed of fiber.
They are made from konjac yams, which the human body can’t really digest.
So, when you try to eat too many at once, you may run into digestive problems.
4. Follow a high-quality recipe.
When people say they do not like konjac noodles, there is a good chance they did not follow a good recipe.
They may have followed a recipe that was made for regular pasta but simply substituted in a pack of shirataki.
Make sure you follow a recipe that is made specifically for konjac or shirataki noodles.
You do not want to simply substitute them in your favorite pasta recipe because they are not the same as normal pasta.
They have a different composition and a different texture.
Try to search for things like “shirataki stir fry” or “shirataki Pad Thai.” Stir fry recipes seem to work best with this type of noodle.
Make sure that the recipe you select has high ratings so that you know other people have tried it and enjoyed the results.
Now that you know some tricks to buying, preparing, and eating shirataki noodles, you can enjoy some new diet-friendly meals!