Vegetarian Sushi is an exceptionally nutritious vegan cuisine for a snack, dinner, or complement to your next potluck.
Sea vegetables are abundant in minerals, and the nori sheets used to make Sushi are a pleasant way to get this nutrient-dense food into your diet.
The common accompaniments are a dipping bowl of tamari, pickled ginger and wasabi. Try serving with the Roasted Mushroom Bites. Enjoy!
Vegetarian Sushi
Print RecipeIngredients
- 1 cup of short-grain brown rice
- 2 tablespoons of brown rice or apple cider vinegar
- 4 sheets of nori
- 1 piece of carrot, julienned
- Section of zucchini, julienned
- 1 piece of mushroom, sliced
- 1 tablespoon of tamari or soy sauce
- 1 piece of green onion, sliced lengthwise
Although it is not required, a rolling sushi mat will make things much more manageable. There are pricey kits with a lot of fancy stuff, but you can get a rolling mat individually for a few dollars.
- Before you begin, bring 2 cups of lightly salted water to a boil, add the rice, and simmer for 45 minutes. Allow cooling after adding a tablespoon or two of vinegar to keep the rice together.
- The preparation of mushrooms must also start ahead of time. Place the slices in a jar with a sealable lid, then add a teaspoon of sea salt and roughly a tablespoon of tamari, seal, and shake.
- Allow the mushrooms to soften for about an hour. The excess tamari should be squeezed off the mushrooms because it will seep through your sushi roll and make it excessively moist.
- Lay a nori sheet on the rolling board, with the grooves parallel to the direction you’re facing.
- Distribute the rice evenly on the nori sheet, leaving a gap at the back edge to seal the roll. Arrange a few vegetables in a row on the side of the sheet closest to you, perpendicular to the direction you’re facing.
- Wrap the sheet around the vegetable row. It would be best if you pressed firmly backwards and slightly down onto the roll. The roll should be tight yet not squishy.
- Roll the Sushi firmly until you reach the end of the nori to seal the roll closed and remove the rolling mat. Letting the sushi roll rest for a few minutes helps the nori to soften due to the moisture in the rice.
- Once the sushi roll is ready, cut it into slices.
Now, you have created the perfect vegetarian sushi recipe!